Sony hit by $5.9 billion lawsuit over PS store prices

A new lawsuit filed against Sony alleges that the company has been overcharging through its PlayStation store. The lawsuit is worth $5.9 Billion and was brought to light by a consumer rights organization in the U.K. led by Alex Neill. The organization accuses Sony of predatory and anti-competitive pricing for digital versions of video games–in essence, “ripping people off.”

The filing states that Sony put a commission of 30% on all games sold as well as microtransactions via its online stores, leading to higher prices for consumers. All-in-all, up to nine million consumers could receive a payout from the lawsuit.

“The game is up for Sony PlayStation,” Neill said. “With this legal action, I am standing up for the millions of U.K. people who have been unwittingly overcharged. We believe that Sony has abused its position and ripped off its customers.”

This wouldn’t be the first time the 30% commission has been a problem in the gaming world. Back in 2021, Epic Games filed a lawsuit against Apple for charging the same amount for transactions. Apple was forced to allow Epic Games to give players third-party payment options, meaning players would not need to use the App Store for microtransaction purchases.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.