Mortal Kombat is a very controversial video game

Video games and controversy go hand-in-hand. Since the early days of gaming, some video games just haven’t caught a break from being labeled as the cause of violence and carnage around the world.

Of course, ask any normal person who plays video games and they’ll tell you that gaming doesn’t make them violent in the slightest. If everyone who played video games was a raging, violent sociopath, I don’t think we’d have many people left on the planet.

So, I’ve decided to compile a list of 5 video games that have been beaten to near death with controversy.

1. Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat is one of the most controversial video games of all time

What’s a controversial video games list without the most well-known of them all: Mortal Kombat?

The fighter franchise has been marred in controversies left and right and was a major reason why the ESRB rating system is slapped onto every major video game cover out there. Its claim to fame came from its over-the-top gore and fatalities and that’s coasted it to the massive success it is today.

One of our writers and I collaborated to make this YouTube video discussing the history of Mortal Kombat and its controversy. Check it out:

2. Manhunt

Manhunt is one of the most controversial and violent video games of all time
Man, old video games did not age too well

Manhunt is a survival horror game from 2003 and has been considered one of the most graphic and violent video games to date.

It’s loaded with gruesome executions and violent gore, and it was even banned from sale in Australia.

Manhunt was also at the center of a murder investigation in England after a 14-year-old wound up killed. The media initially reported that the killer was inspired by the video game, but investigations found that the game played no role in the crime.

Related: 5 Video Games you Didn’t Know were Based on Books

3. Doom

Doom 64 is one of the most controversial video games of all time
Ooo pixels scary

Doom has definitely been at the center of controversy far and wide. The widely popular first-person-shooter is known for its intense gore, but it was considered a really evil game when it first came out.

Packed with Satanic imagery and extreme violence, parents thought that Doom was an evil game. Plus, when it was revealed that the Columbine shooters were fans of Doom, that only spiraled its controversy out of control.

Doom also played a role in the ESRB system ratings that we see today along with Mortal Kombat.

4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Modern Warfare 2's No Russian still angers people to this day
Remember, no Russian

“No Russian” has cemented itself as being one of the most controversial moments in video game history. The mission, which features the player participating in a mass shooting in an airport in Russia, was a major talking point for a long time in the news.

Although the mission played a pivotal role in the story, as the villains used the shooting to spark a war between Russia and the United States, the developers scrambled to appease angry parents around the world.

“No Russian” was made into an optional mission and the game even asks you when you boot it up if you want to skip it or not due to potentially offensive content.

5. Wolfenstein

Wolfenstein's featuring of Nazi imagery is definitely a reason why it's been so controversial
Okay, but this mission was brutal

Chock full of action, Wolfenstein is one of the most beloved first-person-shooters out there. Bethesda’s alternate history World War II shooter is beloved by many. But it’s also got its fair share of controversy.

Wolfenstein features some intense violence and gore-filled takedowns, but many found its Nazi imagery to be controversial. For most people, it’s not controversial to take down Nazis, but for some…let’s not get into that.

Which video game from this list have you played and which one shocked you regarding its controversy? Let us know in the comments!

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.