Twitter Circle

Image via Twitter

Twitter has rolled out a new feature that allows users to tweet to a small number of people. The feature is called Twitter Circle, and the company describes it as a way to have “flexibility to choose who can see and engage” with your content.

Twitter had been testing the feature since May, and they described it as being a popular feature. It is now available globally to users on iOS, Android, and

When you go to tweet something, you can select to share your tweets either with your circle or your full list of followers. Circles can be as large as 150 people and people can be added and removed at any time. Additionally, for privacy purposes, nobody will be notified if they were removed from a circle.

Any tweets sent out to a circle cannot be Retweeted or shared. Replies to the tweets are also always private, no matter what your Twitter’s status is.

Despite the additional privacy, other Twitter users in your circle could still screenshot your tweets. Additionally, tweets sent out to a circle are still subject to community guidelines.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.