FBI investigating Rockstar hack

The FBI has gotten involved in the investigation surrounding the hacker that claimed responsibility for the massive leak of Grand Theft Auto 6. Rockstar stated that the leak was due to an illegal third party gaining access to their systems.

The same hacker also claimed to be behind last week’s massive hack of ride app, Uber, which has also provided an update on its own investigations regarding the hack:

In a newly-updated blog post, Uber wrote: “There are also reports over the weekend that this same actor breached video game maker Rockstar Games. We are in close coordination with the FBI and US Department of Justice on this matter and will continue to support their efforts.”

Uber believes that the hacker is “affiliated with a hacking group called Lapsu$, which has been increasingly active over the last year or so.”

Lapsu$ has been responsible for high profile breaches against other technology companies like Microsoft, Samsung, and Nvidia.

Rockstar issued a statement regarding the hack, stating that the company was “extremely disappointed” that the game had been revealed in this way, but that there would be no “long-term effect” on development of GTA 6.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.