Ted White, known for portraying Jason Voorhees in the movie Friday the 13th: The...
Horror movies are some of the most engaging and horrifying stories and projects out...
David Green’s newest horror film, Halloween Ends has opened to a $43 million weekend...
Famed director Guillermo del Toro’s 14-year long project, Pinocchio, has finally debuted at this...
Netflix’s new ad-supported tier is going to have lots of restrictions, but a lower...
Sauron, the dark villain of The Lord of the Rings, has finally been revealed...
Yep, you read that title right, Toad will have a song in the upcoming...
Harrison Ford will be playing General ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross in the MCU. According to reporter...
Black Adam is DC’s newest ambitious project as the studio finds itself facing major...
Seth McFarlane has begun to discuss the possibility of Liam Neeson starring in Paramount’s...