Dragon's Dogma 2 Arisen's Shadow questline

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a lot of quests that don’t really give you much direction on where to go, and one of them happens to be the Arisen’s Shadow questline. 

In this quest, you are made aware that you are being followed by a mysterious hooded figure as you travel through the capital city of Vermund. Your goal is to confront the hooded figure, but this can seem a bit confusing at first, so here’s how to finish it: 

First, when you get the quest prompt, make sure you look around. You’ll probably see a hooded guy running around here and there and he may shout something like “You!” This is your target that you need to confront. 

Arisen's shadow quest

The next time you see him, chase him around a bit and he’ll eventually slow down. This is where you’ll want to tackle him. 

Arisen's shadow quest how to complete

Once you’ve tackled him, a cutscene will start playing and the hooded figure will basically reveal to you that he is a spy sent by the Queen Regent named Bermundo. You have the option of either accepting money or to refuse the money and you can instead basically just kill him. 

Dragon's Dogma 2

If you take the money, you’ll get about 5000G, which isn’t a lot, but can actually buy you a pretty good starter weapon or get you out of a rut if you splurged a bit on armors. Either way, killing him just makes you miss out on the money and he’s not really that important story-wise.

Dragon's Dogma 2

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.