Assassin's Creed Black Flag 2022

Image via Ubisoft

Assassin’s Creed is one of the biggest franchises in video games out there, and the iconic hood and hidden blade has become a symbol in gaming. Ubisoft, the French video game publisher responsible for Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, and more popular franchises, first made its debut with Assassin’s Creed back in 2007. Since then, the game has been a hit, with Assassin’s Creed Black Flag being one of the most popular and beloved of the series.

Although Assassin’s Creed Black Flag came out a while ago, it’s still an iconic installment in the franchise at large. To this day, many people praise it for its robust naval combat, awesome stealth, well-designed gameplay, and beautiful environments.

But is it worth playing in 2022? Yes, it most certainly is. Let me explain:

You Get to Play a Pirate in Black Flag

I mean, what could be better than that? Not only do you get to enjoy one of the best Assassin’s Creed titles, but you can also do it as a pirate. Assassin’s Creed has always had some interesting protagonists, but for the most part, they’ve all really just been assassins. However, Edward Kenway is more than just a standard assassin–he’s a pirate.

You can plunder ships and attack the high seas with cannons as the captain of your own ship called the Jackdaw. Plus, Edward interacts with lots of pirates, including Blackbeard and popular figures in pirate history.

Assassin’s Creed Black Flag takes place during the golden age of piracy in the Caribbean, so you can explore one of the coolest locations in one of the coolest periods of history out there.

Combat is Fun and Stealth is Great

Assassin’s Creed Black Flag benefits from some of the best combat in the franchise. Edward Kenway sports dual blades, which means you can get twice the action on guards when you’re fighting. He also gets a hidden blade early in the game, so you can go around assassinating all the enemies you can think of.

With the setting of Cuba and other Caribbean island nations, the architecture and cityscapes are perfect for parkour and stealth, which means that it’s easy to sneak around and play like an assassin. There are lots of ways to get away from guards if you’re overrun as well.

Assassin’s Creed Black Flag’s Graphics are Amazing to This Day

Despite its age, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag still sports some of the best-looking graphics in the franchise. With pristine blue Caribbean waters, beautiful islands, great designs, and even more.

Assassin’s Creed Black Flag may have aged, but it didn’t age too badly at all.

The Story is Awesome

Without giving any spoilers, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag has a great story and fantastic plotline. Edward Kenway is a very interestingly written character and he’s also very engaging, being one of the most liked and beloved in the franchise for a reason.

He was definitely a character worth exploring a story with, and the plot of Black Flag is just fantastic, so if you haven’t given it a go yet, you need to.

All-in-all, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag is still one of the greatest games ever made and it’s worth playing in 2022. So, if you haven’t had a chance to enjoy it yet, you should definitely check it out.

Where to Buy AC Black Flag?

You can pick up a copy (digital or physical) at one of these retailers:

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.