The Twitter status feature is cringe

Twitter has been attempting to add some new features and updates to try and keep the platform up-to-date. Now, Twitter feels like you need to add a “status” to your Tweets just in case you’re really feeling the urgency of the tweet you’re tweeting. Or something like that, I guess.

This new feature is currently undergoing testing. Twitter describes it as the following in a statement made to Gizmodo:

For a limited time, we are testing a feature that allows you to add a status topic from a predetermined list to your Tweets to provide more context for your followers. So whether you are about to drop a hot Tweet thread, share your shower thoughts, or have a bad case of the Mondays, your Tweets can better convey what you are up to.

Basically, the premise of the status is the ability to add an emoji with a short statement to your tweet. I hate to make this comparison, but it looks like the flairs on Reddit. There are no custom statuses yet though, so you have to select from one of 16 options.

Now, since this is an opinion article, I’m just going to provide my opinion and say that this feature doesn’t make much sense. Whatever you want to convey in a tweet is conveyable enough in the tweet as-is. I feel like it’s a waste of developer time to add a status feature, but hey, whatever floats the Twitter crowd’s boat. I don’t exactly religiously use Twitter outside of work, so I’m probably not the target market for this feature.

I also have to ask: In what scenario will I need to use “hot take” unironically on Twitter? It’s Twitter; just type up something random and send it out into the vast void. Either way, I think it’s personal bias because I can’t stand some of the phrases used.

I think that the highlight of this whole list is the uber-millennial phrase of “case of the Mondays.” Or the one that just has a black checkmark with “Current Status” next to it. I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean, but my best guess is that you look like this today:

Anyways, maybe The DZSH Group will have to use these at some point to stay relevant. Good luck to the social media guy.

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Zainah Yousef is the author of The Fallen Age Saga and specializes in gaming, social media advice, and reviews. She's been writing all her life and she probably won't stop anytime soon.