Image courtesy of Steve Sorensen, Flickr

Elon Musk announced today that he plans to undo Twitter’s move to ban former President Donald Trump back in January of 2021 if he purchases the company.

AT FT Live’s Future of the Car conference Musk stated: “Permanent bans should be extremely rare and really reserved for accounts that are bots, or scam, spam accounts… I do think it was not correct to ban Donald Trump.”

“I would reverse the permanent ban,” Musk told reporters. “I don’t own Twitter yet. So this is not like a thing that will definitely happen, because what if I don’t own Twitter?”

In January of last year the social media outlet permanently banned Donald Trump’s account, removing his astonishing 80 million followers from the platform.

With such a major move, ever since Musk’s announcement to purchase Twitter questions have arisen as to whether or not he would reinstate the former president’s account.

Last month however Trump told CNBC reporter Joe Kernen: “No, I won’t be going back on Twitter.”

“I will be on Truth Social within the week. Its on schedule. We have a lot of people signed up. I like Elon Musk. I like him a lot. He’s an excellent individual. We did a lot for Twitter when I was in the White House. I was disappointed by the way I was treated by Twitter. I won’t be going back on Twitter,” he stated.

It is not confirmed whether or not this claim will be reversed however if Musk acquires the platform.

See also from Business News: