The Canadian Federation of Independent Business’s (CFIB) recent statistics show that close to 66% of Canadian small business owners are getting close to giving up and closing, with some of the major issues being mental health problems amongst owners and employees, as well as consistently mounting debts and lockdowns.

The small business employers in the survey stated that their employees are facing growing mental health problems, compared to 20% less in 2020.

“For many small business owners it’s layered on with the fact they had to deal with closures.” said senior vice-president of National Affairs and Partnerships at CFIB Corinne Pohlmann, . They’re not always sure how they’re going to get their next payroll together?” “If they’re going to find the employees that they need to get their business back up and running.”

However, CFIB statistics show that less than 27% of small business owners are actively getting mental health support.

In order to help with the slowly, but surely, growing problem the Mental Health Commission of Canada has created an online tool kit that was released during Canada’s mental health week, May 2nd to May 6th. In the checklist is a set of advice on how to help employees, new and old, deal with mental health issues in the workplace.

CEO of the MHCC Michel Rodrigue believes the kit will help employers to “better support [their] teams, and [to] create psychologically safe workplaces for people to thrive.”

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